KOICA Scholarship Benefits 2024

Benefits of the KOICA Scholarship

The KOICA Scholarship is a fully funded opportunity that allows students to pursue higher studies in Korea without any financial burden. The KOICA scholarship benefits include a range of advantages, including:

  1. Airfare
  2. Settlement Allowance
    • (Master’s) KRW 600,000/ONCE
    • (Doctoral) KRW 1,200,000/ONCE
  3. Monthly Allowance:
    • KRW 999,000/Per month
  4. Full Tuition Coverage
  5. Extracurricular Activities
    • Study visits, workshops, Korean language classes, etc.
  6. Accommodation
  7. Scholarship Completion Grants
    • (Master’s) KRW 300,000/ONCE
    • (Doctoral) KRW 600,000/ONCE
  8. National Health Insurance
  9. Private Medical Insurance

This comprehensive package ensures that students can focus on their academic pursuits without worrying about the associated financial costs.

Find out details and everything about the KOICA Scholarship & Fellowship Program.

In addition to financial advantages, the KOICA Scholarship benefits also include few other advantages over other ‘study in Korea for free’ related scholarships. Here are compelling reasons to opt for the KOICA Scholarship:

  1. Superior Education:
    • South Korean universities are renowned for their exceptional academic standards and state-of-the-art research facilities.
  2. Cultural Immersion:
    • Immerse yourself in the distinctive Korean culture, language, and traditions.
  3. Global Networking:
    • Establish connections with fellow scholars hailing from diverse corners of the world.
  4. Post-Study Prospects:
    • The program not only fosters academic growth but also unlocks doors to diverse career opportunities, both on an international scale and within your home country.
KOICA Scholarship Benefits
KOICA Scholarship Benefits

The applications for the KOICA Scholarship 2024 are open now. Hurry up and don’t forget to apply today.

Visit the link below to apply on the official website:

If you are an arts student or sports student, find out two other scholarships that may suit your interests.


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